Saturday, May 9, 2009

32 weeks!

Things are moving along well! I have started experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. They are not horrible, but not comfortable either. This past week I had my normal doc appt and all went well! My belly is measuring that of a full term pregnancy....therefore I am big! He gave me a FFN test as well this week. A FFN test is a predictor of labor within the next couple of weeks. It is most accurate when the result is negative. Our results came back negative! YAY,so that would indicate that I will be keeping these girlies in for at least 2 more weeks and hopefully longer. Everytime I see my doctor though he suggests that I will not make it to my 38 week mark, we will have to wait and see! On Friday I had my normal NST hospital visit, my doctor and I both thought this was the week that the girls would be cooperative.....yeah not so much.... I was there for 4.5 hours! The reason behind the test is just to show that the girls heartrates excel as they should for their age. The anties have just been upped and they have to show three excels that are 15 beats higher than the baseline data. Friday evening the doctors also have started to moniter my heartrate with a permanent heart moniter that I have to wear for the next 14 days. For this entire pregnancy my heart rate has been elevated, so this is just precautionary. The cardiologist does not think that it has any toll on the babies, so that is very good news. The moniter is a necklace and then I have 3 electrodes stuck to my chest area with wires running from them to my necklace. Then I have a little computer that I have to keep within 5 feet of me at all times, it transfers the data to the doctor office. I have to wear the necklace all day and night unless I am showering. I really look all decked out with my new jewelry, I have wires and stickers on my chest and stomach! Next week we have our normal appts, doctor and Thurs and hospital on Fri. So this is my update! David seems to be doing well too, he has been busy helping me do all the challenging things pregnancy brings to a woman.You know like bending over and reaching up high, getting myself in and out of a sitting position.. he has been really great! I can't wait to see him with the girls I imagine it is going to be a great feeling!

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